First Year StudentsComplete the Modules Now Through August 2024
Auburn University is committed to supporting students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all backgrounds with a campus culture of safety, community, and responsibility.
We want all Auburn Family members to feel welcome and to have a healthy and positive experience in an environment that allows them to thrive and achieve their goals.
For these reasons, Auburn University has partnered with Catharsis Productions
to deliver a suite of online educational resources utilized by companies, organizations, and educational institutions around the globe to manage their implementation of knowledge of critical topics in the classroom, in the office, and the community to become empowering and inclusive entities that are welcoming to all.
Program Goals
Auburn is seeking to create a campus environment where every member of our community can thrive.
Courses will highlight the role each person has in making Auburn University a more supportive and engaging place to learn, work, and live
Content will reinforce the university commitment to safety, wellbeing, and content shared at Camp War Eagle
Courses will be a catalyst for the discussion regarding healthy decisions on campus
Courses will assist the University community in identifying resources that provide a safer environment for all

What is an athletic trainer?An athletic trainer is a multi-skilled healthcare professional who renders services or treatments, under the direction of or in collaboration with a physician, in accordance with their education, training, and the state's statutes, rules, and regulations. As a part of the health care team, services provided by athletic trainers include primary care, injury and illness prevention, wellness promotion and education, emergent care, examination and clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. Athletic training encompasses the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of emergent, acute, or chronic injuries and medical conditions. Athletic training is recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA), Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as an allied healthcare profession. Reference: Athletic training. NATA. (2023, May 30) https://www.nata.org/about/athletic-training
What services do athletic trainers provide?Services provided by appointment only: Rehabilitation programming Exercise Correction Manual Therapy Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) Cupping Concussion Management Therapeutic Modalities Electrical Stimulation Therapeutic Ultrasound Prophylactic Taping Clinical Evaluation / Examination Rehabilitative Treatment Sport specific and/or functional exercises Flexibility and/or mobility techniques Concussion Management Manual Therapy Joint mobilizations Proprioceptive techniques Massage therapy Instrument-assisted soft tissues mobilization (IASTM) Cupping Therapeutic Modalities Thermal agents Electrical stimulation Therapeutic ultrasound
Service LocationsSportsplex Intramural Field House Recreation and Wellness Center
Additional ResourcesCounseling Services Auburn University Medical Clinic
I am on a waitlist for a trip. What does that mean?We open a waitlist for trips when they reach their max capacity. If a spot opens for a trip because a participant cancels, we contact the first person on the waitlist via email to fill their spot. We give each person 24 hours to respond before contacting the next person on the waitlist. To be moved from the waitlist you must respond via email and pay the trip cost. Once paid, you will be placed on the trip roster.
How do I sign up for a trip?Trip registration posts the first day of each semester! Utilize RWC Connect to register for your next adventure.
Who guides Auburn Outdoors’ Trips?Auburn Outdoors’ student staff and professional staff guide our trips! Students are taught leadership skills and activity skills for all activities that they are guiding. All Auburn Outdoors’ guides are First Aid/CPR trained and at least one guide is trained in Wilderness First Aid or higher.
What is included in the trip cost?Auburn Outdoors trips range in cost depending on the type of trip, activities, and location. Typically, the following are included in the trip cost: • Transportation • Food • Trip Gear (boats, tents, sleeping bags, etc.) • Fees for Trip Activities Trip costs do not include items such as souvenirs or personal items.
Is outdoor gear provided on the trip or do I need my own?Auburn Outdoors provides trip related gear such as boats, tents, sleeping bags, etc. Trip participants are responsible for providing personal clothing. Don’t worry – we’ll provide a suggested packing list for each trip ahead of time.
What is a pre-trip meeting?A required pre-trip meeting is scheduled for all weekend or extended trips. At this meeting, you’ll meet others going on the trip, learn about what to bring, and what to expect day to day on the trip. If you do not attend the pre-trip meeting, you will not be permitted to attend the trip and will not receive a refund of your trip fee.
Who is eligible to go on an Auburn Outdoors trip?Trips hosted by Auburn Outdoors are open to all Recreation and Wellness members. However, please keep in mind that trips are designed for Auburn University students.
How do I cancel a trip registration?Day Trips Cancellations made less than 5 days from a day trip will NOT receive a refund of any funds, including participants not showing on the day of the trip Cancellations made more than 5 days from the day of the trip, will be refunded less $10, IF Auburn Outdoors is able to replace the participant with a member from the waitlist No refunds will be issued for trips costing $10 or less Weekend or Extended Trips Cancellations after the pre-scheduled pre-trip meeting for extended or weekend trips will NOT receive a refund of any funds Cancellations made prior to the pre-scheduled pre-trip meeting, will be refunded less $10, IF Auburn Outdoors is able to replace the participant with a member from the waitlist • No refunds will be issued for trips costing $10 or less If you are unable to attend the trip after registration, please communicate your cancellation through auburnoutdoors@auburn.edu.
How do we get to where we are going?Auburn Outdoors provides transportation to the trip destination, travel while on trip, and the return trip to Auburn.
You said meals are included. What if I have dietary needs or restrictions?Let us know! We ask that you share any dietary needs or restrictions on your Participant Profile filled out during the pre-trip meeting. We also encourage you to talk to the trip leader to help identify foods that fuel you that we can ensure we have on trip. If there is a dietary need or restriction you’d like to talk with us about prior to the pre-trip meeting, please reach out to us at auburnoutdoors@auburn.edu.
Do I need to take this if I’ve already completed similar courses with another campus organization?No. If you are a transfer student coming to Auburn from another institution, you may be exempt from completing Catharsis Productions here. Please contact catharsis@auburn.edu to discuss.
Are the answers to my questions confidential?The Catharsis Productions courses will include surveys about your personal health behaviors to help personalize your experience and measure students’ attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are confidential. Auburn University will only receive information about the student body as a whole and never your individual answers as a student.
Why am I being asked to take these courses?These courses are in alignment with Auburn’s institutional values for fostering a more healthy, welcoming campus community for all. These courses also allow students to anonymously provide their perspective on campus culture.
What is Catharsis Productions, and what is it providing Auburn via this partnership?Catharsis Productions is a digital learning provider utilized by companies, organizations, and educational institutions around the globe to manage their implementation of knowledge of critical topics in the classroom, in the office, and the community. Learning modules encourage all participants to become empowering and inclusive entities that are welcoming to all. Colleges and businesses use Catharsis Productions to deliver global education to their campus including Purdue University, Georgia Southern University, Ohio State University, University of Notre Dame, USDA, and the Unites States Navy. Catharsis Productions provides those institutions with an online suite of educational resources concerning everything from alcohol and substance abuse and sexual assault prevention to mental health and well-being maintenance.
How do I get technical help?Reach out to Catharsis Productions at catharsisonlinetraining@catharsisproductions.com.
Is my data private?The Catharsis Productions interface is securely connected with AU Access, Auburn’s secure online portal. No data is being used for any other purpose than a safe and secure online course assignment.
How do I cancel my registration?If you are unable to attend the the trip after registration, please communicate your cancellation through auburnoutdoors@auburn.edu. Day Trips Cancellations made less than 5 days from a day trip will NOT receive a refund of any funds, including participants not showing on the day of the trip Cancellations made more than 5 days from the day of the trip, will be refunded less $10, IF Auburn Outdoors is able to replace the participant with a member from the waitlist No refunds will be issued for trips costing $10 or less Weekend or Extended Trips Cancellations after the pre-scheduled pre-trip meeting for extended or weekend trips will NOT receive a refund of any funds Cancellations made prior to the pre-scheduled pre-trip meeting, will be refunded less $10, IF Auburn Outdoors is able to replace the participant with a member from the waitlist • No refunds will be issued for trips costing $10 or less
Are there resources for parents?Parents may visit this link for resources on promoting healthy behaviors and addressing critical issues.
What are Auburn’s goals for implementing Catharsis Productions?Auburn is seeking to create a campus environment where every member of our community can thrive. Our overall goals are: Catharsis Productions courses will highlight the role each person has in making Auburn University a more supportive and engaging place to learn, work, and live Catharsis Productions content will reinforce the university commitment to safety, wellbeing, and content shared at Camp War Eagle Catharsis Productions courses will be a catalyst for the discussion regarding healthy decisions on campus Catharsis Productions courses will assist the university community in identifying resources that provide a safer environment for all
Did the University create this module?By partnering with Catharsis Productions, we have been able to input direct University policies, definitions, and resources to help students create a campus culture where every person can thrive.
Are these courses required?At Auburn University, we strive to provide a safe and healthy college experience. As part of our comprehensive prevention program, Auburn University expects you to make every effort to complete these courses with the hope they will empower the campus community to make well-informed decisions.
What is the easiest way to register for Group Fitness classes?From desktop, register from the Group Fitness Schedule page. From mobile, register via the Campus Recreation app or follow the link above.
What is the cost of a Group Fitness Class Pass?The cost for a Class Pass is $50 per semester or $25 per month.
Relationship RightsWhat are you comfortable with? What are you uncomfortable with? These questions are important for all relationships, including those which are sexual. The Sexual Bill of Rights is a list of rights everyone is entitled to in a relationship, centered around yourself and your partner. Knowing your rights will help you make important decisions concerning your relationship, including defining and maintaining healthy boundaries. BILL OF RIGHTS I have the right… To always be treated with respect. In a respectful relationship, you should be treated as an equal. To not be hurt physically or emotionally. You should feel safe in your relationships at all times. To be in a healthy relationship. A healthy relationship is not controlling, manipulative, or jealous. A healthy relationship involves honesty, trust, and communications. To not be hurt physically or emotionally. You should feel safe in your relationship at all times. To refuse sex or affection at anytime. A healthy relationship involves making consensual sexual decisions. To not have sex. Even if you have had sex before, you have the right to refuse sex for any reason. To have friends and activities apart from my boyfriend or girlfriend. Spending time by yourself, with male or female friends, or with family is normal and healthy. To end a relationship. You should not be harassed, threatened, or made to feel guilty for ending an unhealthy or healthy relationship. You have the right to end a relationship for any reason you choose.
What is safer sex?Safer Sex Safer sex is the conscious effort to reduce the risk of transmitting or acquiring STIs and preventing unintended pregnancies. It's important to recognize that no sexual activity is without risk, but there are effective methods to significantly lower risks. Some components of SAFER sex include: using contraceptives, condoms, and other barriers; regular STI testing; open and honest communication and boundaries; vaccinations; limiting the number of sexual partners; avoiding alcohol and drugs before sex. To learn more about safer sex, visit hopkinsmedicine.org.
LGBTQIA+ Sexual Health and WellnessNo matter your sexual orientation, creating and maintaining healthy sexual practices in any relationship is crucial to the health of every community. Learn more about LGBTQIA+ Sexual Health and Wellness at healthline.org.
STIs 101Anyone can get an STI. They are spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex— and sometimes by contact with infected sores. Additionally, the sharing of needles for body piercings, tattoos, or drug use can spread STIs. Untreated STIs can be serious health problems like pain, sterility, cancer, in extreme cases, even death. An untreated STI can make it easier to get HIV. To learn more about STIs, prevention, and treatment, visit NCSDD.org. You can get STI/HIV testing at Auburn University Medical Clinic by appointment or walk in. Call (334) 844 - 4416. Free HIV testing is provided through East Alabama Medical Center's Unity Wellness at (334) 528 - 5692.
The Auburn ManTesticular cancer Testicular cancer is an issue often overlooked by young males. However, it can be a life threatening experience. Through regular testicular examinations, you can often detect a problem before it becomes too serious. If you feel small lumps on the testicles or have abnormal pain and sensations in the genital area, consult with a health care specialist immediately. The Right to say NO! Often times, men are perceived to only have one thing in mind, sex. However, you realize this just isn’t true. Many times a female partner wants to be physical and her male counterpart feels obligated to participate because men should always be ready. Just like women, men have the right to say NO! Men should never feel pressured into sexual relations, as there are times when you will not be in the mood due to a variety of reasons. Choosing not to have sex when your partner wants to is ok, and you do have the right to say NO! Issues with Sex There are several issues with sexual practices that men deal with relating to the body and sexual performance. These issues are usually kept particularly quiet, yet they are common for men of all ages. Premature Ejaculation One of the most common forms of sexual dysfunction for males. Premature ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation happening before or shortly after sexual penetration, before the male is ready. This often results in a bad sexual experience for both partners. Premature Ejaculation happens without a defined reason. It can and may occur when with a new partner, in specific sexual situations, or when it has been a long time since the last ejaculation. Anxiety, guilt, depression, energy levels, and alcohol use can all cause premature ejaculation. Solutions for Getting Control of Your Body Know Yourself Be aware of your sexual response and as you approach “that moment,” ease stimulation by slowing your pace and consider pausing your activity for a moment until the feeling subsides. Do this repeatedly as you as needed, and you will soon recognize some improvement in your ability. Use a Condom Sexual intercourse can be very sensational for men. Often times, men find that the sensation is reduced by wearing a condom, helping to prolong the activity. NEVER use more than ONE condom at a time. Masturbation It may be difficult to delay an orgasm after a period of inactivity. Masturbation is an alternative to sexual inactivity which can be used to prevent premature ejaculation. Masturbating before a sexual experience can relieve performance pressures and provide a more controllable encounter. Limit Alcohol Before Performance Although alcohol use can sometimes delay, or even prevent an orgasm, it too can be the cause of premature ejaculation. Your body may not be able to sustain performance if it becomes dependent upon alcohol as an aid. Additionally, alcohol impairs decision making ability and when used irresponsibly often results in unplanned pregnancy and/or STIs. Prescription Drugs When prescribed by a licensed physician, prescription drugs can be used to delay ejaculation. However, this should only be taken as recommended by your physician. Much like alcohol, many creams only lessen the sensation and may potentially do the same for your partner.
What is a healthy relationship?A healthy relationship can look different to every person, couple, and/or family. There are key green flags to live by and key red flags to watch out for. Read more about the 10 signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships as defined by One Love Foundation here. Interested in learning more? Contact Wellness Services to request a presentation for your office, class, or organization on healthy relationships of any kind; friends, family, professional, or romantic relationships.
Sexual Health ExamsMen's Sexual Health Exams TESTICULAR SELF EXAM Testicular cancer is the most common type of cancer in men ages 15-34. Beginning at age 15, you should examine your testicles monthly and continue the process through your 30s. Genital self-exams are important for many reasons, primarily because they help in early detection and monitoring of health issues. Self-exams help individuals become more familiar with their bodies, so it's easier to notice something unusual and know when to consult a healthcare professional. It's a proactive way of managing one's health, it promotes a responsible approach to sexual health, and can empower individuals by giving them direct involvement in their own health care. A testicular self-examination (TSE) is important since testicular cancer can often be asymptomatic (there may be no symptoms to indicate a medical problem). However, there may be a dull pain in the lower abdomen and a feeling of heaviness and dragging. A monthly examination will allow you to become familiar with the size and feel of your testicles so any abnormality, such as a lump, can be brought to your doctor’s attention. If detected early, testicular cancer is one of the most easily cured. What are the symptoms? In early stages testicular cancer may be symptomless. When symptoms do occur they include: Lump on the testicle Slight enlargement of one of the testes Heavy sensation in testicles or groin If you find any hard lumps or nodules, see your doctor promptly. *Only your doctor can make a diagnosis. Women’s Sexual Health Exams GETTING AN ANNUAL WOMEN’S EXAM When should I go? Annual routine checkups are the best way to screen for potential problems. You should make an appointment with your health care provider once a year if…. if you are over the age of 21 if you have ever been sexually active if you are interested in obtaining birth control It’s best to schedule your annual checkup around day 14 of your menstrual cycle, or about 2 weeks after the starting date of your period. You can also make an appointment for a GYN evaluation (not an annual exam) anytime you experience a change in vaginal discharge, burning, redness, or swelling. If you’d like to make an appointment at the Women’s Clinic in the Auburn University Medical Clinic you can call 334-844-4416, extension 3. If you’re interested in getting prescribed birth control pills, vaginal rings, or dep0-provera, an annual exam is required before any of these methods can be obtained. What’s involved? The visit may include lab tests (such as a Pap smear and/or tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea), a breast exam and the pelvic exam. A pelvic exam is a relatively quick procedure consisting of two major parts: a speculum exam, in which your clinician visually examines your cervix and completes any recommended lab tests, and a bimanual exam, where your clinician will feel the position of your internal organs with his/her fingers. The visit will take about one hour, but the actual pelvic exam normally takes about five minutes. Before Your Appointment There are a few things you should keep in mind before your appointment: Do not douche, have sex, or use tampons 48 hours before your exam. These may change the cells of the cervix, which must be left undisturbed in order to get an accurate Pap smear reading. Make a list of questions to take with you to the exam. Your health care provider is a wealth of information and should be able to answer your questions on your body, birth control, risks associated with different sexual behaviors, and sexually transmitted infection symptoms and prevention. What Should I Expect? Head to the Women’s Clinic on the second floor of the Medical Clinic. When you come into the office, you will be asked to fill out a form of your medical history, date of your last period, and previous sexual activity, such as number of partners and history of condom use. It’s important to be completely honest on this form, even if it’s embarrassing. Your health care provider is there to help you, and the only way s/he can help you is if you provide truthful information. A staff member will lead you to a room and record some basic health information, such as your height, weight, pulse, blood pressure, and general health. Next the staff member will lead you to the exam room, where you will be instructed to undress and wait for the clinician. You will be given a hospital gown with an opening in the front, as well as a sheet to cover yourself. The health care provider and an assistant will come into the room and begin the exam. This will include a thorough breast exam. Your clinician will feel in circles around your breast tissue for any lumps or abnormalities. S/he should also check your glands and abdomen for swelling. The health care provider will then perform the actual pelvic exam. S/he will position herself at the bottom of the exam table and will visually examine your vulva, looking for any bumps, sores, or other abnormalities. The clinician will then gently insert a heated speculum and open it just enough to get a good look at your cervix. Swabs may be taken of the vaginal walls, as well as a Pap smear, which checks for changes in the cells of the cervix. The important part is to relax! The bimanual exam is normally the last portion of the examination. Your clinician will insert one or two gloved, lubricated fingers into your vagina, and feel around your abdomen with her other hand. During this, s/he is checking for the size, shape, and position of your uterus. Your clinician may insert a finger into your rectum to test the condition of your muscles and check for tumors in this area. Again, it’s normal to feel a bit of discomfort and pressure, but this should only last a few seconds. Every examination allows time for questions and answers. In addition to explaining what s/he is doing, your health care provider should spend some time talking with you about ways to stay healthy, avoid infection, and, if you are sexually active, practice safer sex. This is a good time to bring up that list of questions you prepared earlier! Whether you visit the Auburn University Medical Clinic or another provider, your experience should be similar to that listed above. Learn more about genital self-exams, visit healthlinkbc.ca. Learn more about breast self-exams, visit nationalbreastcancer.org.
ContraceptionBirth control methods are good at preventing pregnancy when used consistently and correctly, so make sure your method of choice is being used correctly. Check out the difference between the types of birth control at bedsider.org.
How do I log in to RWC Connect?Use your Auburn credentials - user name (not email) and password. As a student or Recreation and Wellness Center member, you already have a basic profile in RWC Connect and IMLeagues.
I'm having trouble logging in/registering.Be sure to use your Auburn credentials (username and password only). Not email.
How do I purchase a "guest pass?"Guest passes must be purchased at the Membership Desk, at the main entrance of The Rec.
Do you have personal trainers?Yes. Our certified trainers provide goal-specific training to assist you in reaching your individual fitness goals. All Campus Recreation trainers are certified through one of the following nationally accredited fitness organizations: National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), or American Council on Exercise (ACE). Get details at campusrec.auburn.edu/personal-training.
What is SUIT?Substance Use Intervention Team (SUIT) is an individual educational intervention program for all Auburn students who may want to reduce or end their substance use or who have been found in violation of an alcohol or drug related policy (typically, the second or third violation). The SUIT program is designed to help students make informed substance use decisions and to reduce their risks for substance-related harm.
What are the components of the SUIT program?There are various requirements of the SUIT program, including: Weekly relapse prevention sessions Weekly check-in appointments Weekly attendance at a support group meeting, along with the completion of a written reflection Weekly random drug tests
Who is referred to SUIT?Students are referred for violations of policy by Student Conduct, however, students may be referred by a number of other offices on campus such as Residence Life, Greek Life, Student Counseling & Psychological Services, and the Auburn University Medical Clinic. In addition, students may complete the SUIT program as a self-referral.
How do I schedule a SUIT appointment?To schedule a SUIT consultation appointment, please call our office at 334-844-1528.
Where are SUIT sessions held?SUIT sessions are held in the Recreation and Wellness Center.
Who conducts SUIT sessions?Trained graduate-level facilitators and professionals conduct SUIT sessions under the supervision of a licensed clinician. Students enrolled in the SUIT program will have individual meetings for Case Management and Relapse Prevention each week. The SUIT Case Manager will assist the student in their completion of the program and serve as a connector to resources on- and off-campus. During Relapse Prevention sessions, students will work with a facilitator to identify triggers for substance use, build coping and refusal skills, and explore underlying mechanisms of substance use and addiction. Facilitators strive to create a non-judgmental environment for honest conversation about alcohol and substance use and all SUIT sessions are confidential. No information will be disclosed to outside parties without a student’s written consent.
Is there a fee for SUIT?There are no fees associated with SUIT appointments for students who have been sanctioned to complete the program or students who have self-referred. There is a no-show fee of $40 for a missed intake appointment and $20 for a missed follow up appointment. The only fee associated with the program is the cost of the weekly random drug screens ($41) at the Auburn University Medical Clinic.
I am sick and can't attend my TESI appointment. What should I do?If you are sick or are experiencing the onset of symptoms of an illness (e.g., a cold, fever, or the flu), we ask that you contact us as soon as possible to reschedule your appointment. If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been exposed to a person who tested positive for COVID-19, please complete the Auburn University COVID-19 Self-Report Form. Our office can be reached via phone call at 334-844-1528 or email (tesi@auburn.edu). Thank you for helping us maintain a healthy environment for all of our students and staff members.
Who conducts TESI sessions?TESI sessions are conducted by trained graduate-level facilitators and professionals who are supervised by a licensed clinician. Each student will meet individually with a TESI facilitator and receive personalized feedback based on questionnaires and assessments. Facilitators strive to create a non-judgemental environment for honest conversations about alcohol and substance use and all TESI sessions are kept confidential. No information will be disclosed to outside parties without a student’s written consent.
How to I schedule an appointment?To schedule a TESI appointment, please call our office at 334-844-1528 or email tesi@auburn.edu.
Who is referred to TESI?Students may be referred by a number of offices on campus such as Student Conduct, Residence Life, Greek Life, Student Counseling & Psychological Services, and the Auburn Medical Clinic. In addition, students may complete the TESI program as a self-referral.
Where are TESI sessions held?TESI sessions are held in the Recreation and Wellness Center. Please use the stairs to the left of the membership desk and see the admin associate for assistance.
Is there a fee for TESI?There is a $125 fee for students who are sanctioned to complete the program. This cost covers all TESI appointments (2 – 3 sessions). The fee can be waived for any students who are considered a self-referral (i.e., are not completing the program as a result of a university policy violation or because they are mandated/required to complete the program). Additionally, there is a no-show fee of $40 for a missed intake appointment and $20 for a missed follow up appointment. All charges will be billed to a student’s eBill account.
What is the policy for rescheduling/cancelling a TESI appointment?If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please call our office at 334-844-1528 or email us at tesi@auburn.edu. We ask that you cancel or reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours prior to your original appointment time. This advanced notice enables us to be flexible and efficient in scheduling appointments with other students. Cancelling your appointment within 24-hours of your original appointment could result in a late cancellation charge on your eBill account. The late cancellation fee is $40 for a missed intake appointment and $20 for a missed feedback/follow up appointment.?
I have an academic hold on my account that is related to TESI. What do I do?If you have been referred to the TESI program by one of our campus partners, such as AU Housing or the Office of Student Conduct, failure to complete your TESI requirements in a timely fashion could result in an academic hold being placed on your account. Please contact your referring office for more information about the academic hold and how you can get it removed from your account. To check your progress in the TESI program, please email tesi@auburn.edu.
What is TESI?Tiger Education Screening Intervention (TESI) is an individual educational intervention program for all Auburn University students who have been found in violation of an alcohol or drug related policy or who may want to gain a better understanding of their substance use. The TESI program is designed to help students make informed decisions about their alcohol and substance use and reduce their risks for substance-related harm.
Is the TESI program confidential?Students who are enrolled in the TESI program will sign and agree to a Student Services Agreement form that outlines information about the confidentiality of the program and limits to confidentiality. Generally, our staff is not able to share information about a student’s enrollment in TESI with parents, campus partners (AU Housing, Office of Student Conduct), and other individuals without the written consent of the student. If you have questions about the TESI program, please email tesi@auburn.edu.
What if I don't sign the waiver?You will no longer be able to access any Recreation and Wellness facility. If you have concerns, please feel free to reach out to our membership team.
Why do we need to sign the waiver?Safety is our top priority, and signing the waiver ensures that every member is aware of the risks involved in participating in our programs and services and takes responsibility for their own well-being. If you have any questions or concerns, our staff will be happy to assist you.
Will I be able to enter if I don't sign?Our aim is to have everyone sign the waiver prior to entering our facilities for fall semester. Those who sign in advance, will have no delays at the turnstiles and will not have to sign again during their time at Auburn.
Where do I find the waiver?The waiver is located on RWC Connect, the Recreation and Wellness registration portal. Sign in using your Auburn University username and password (not email). Click the waiver icon and digitally sign. Link: https://l.ead.me/bdytkq